




7th May, 2013 - Discounts on Equipment Rental


More Good News!!!



The Mr. Mega Puerto from Kaohsiung offers discounts on equipment rentals to teams who participate in Tainan 39 Short Film Contestival.


- 10% discount on equipment rental below NTD3,000.

- 20% discount on equipment rental above NTD3,000.






5th May, 2013 - Back-packer hostel


Good News!!!


A back-packer hostel is sponsoring a room for 4x during the festival, namely May 24th and 25th. Since we only have 1 room available, it will get awarded to the team whose director lives the farthest away from WuYuan Cultural Garden. We will use Google Map to calculate the distance. LOL!


Please contact registration@tainan39.com if you think you're qualified for this offer. Don't forget to include a copy of your ID with your address visible.






3rd May, 2013 - Make-up service


Good News!!!


We have a professional make-up artist who agreed to sponsor her service to one of the accepted teams. If you need a make-up in your team, please contact us. If more than one team apply for this service, we'll decide in a lucky draw.